A few lesson's to live by:
-it’s not always what you think it’s going to be.
-just because it's on the bucket list, doesn't mean it's 'bucket list worthy.'
-you don’t always have to get a taste from the unknown, even if it looks good!
-don’t judge a coconut by its tropical appearance!
This is a before picture of me doing something I had been dying to do....drink from a coconut.
My husband and I took a trip to Negril last fall. I had never been to Jamaica but have visited a few tropical places in the past. Through these unforgettable experiences I was able to stand on top of a small natural bridge, ride trucks through a deserted island, snorkel at the edge of an island far out in the Atlantic. I have swam through a cave where popular movies were filmed, I have wadded in clear blue waters, I have had a relaxing massage in a tree house while smelling lavender and listening to the ocean waves. But, I have never drank from a coconut. And although these experiences were truly unbelievable, they were never on the bucket list. But, drinking from a coconut....that was on the list.
You see, I’m a simple girl.
The simplest things make me happy.
I’m not a woman that needs valuables and luxury. I am a woman that finds the small things to be true treasures. Those moments are more richer than any tangible item, that let's face it, only makes you happy for a short time.
I long for cuddles from my girls, days with no plans and an open page, movie dates, the warmth of a fireplace, the lights on a tree, a good play, a song that just gives you chills, the sound of my acoustic, snow days, a cup of hot coffee, a good meal, dark chocolate, a hug from the people I love, words of encouragement, a cozy blanket on the couch, a beautiful sunny day, the sounds of my children playing and laughing, shopping for the kids, or a pedicure every now and then.....all of which can be done right in my hometown.
Now, don’t get me wrong, ,my extravagant trips have been enjoyable, memorable, and well appreciated. And, I will enjoy many more when and if its planned. But, it can only last a week, then it feels like a dream. It's not always what I find to be luxurious and it’s not a need or want for happiness.
Now back to the coconut.
So while sitting down for breakfast I see my husband with a coconut opened with a straw and an umbrella décor. I gasp and say, “Where did you get that? I want one!” So he found another and MAN WAS I STOKED.
Happy you may say.
This was it, a bullet on the bucket list.
A fresh, picked, straight from the tree coconut drink within arms reach.
Of course, just like any magical and memorable moment, I had to take a picture.
I was excited for sure.
So, without any hesitation, I took the straw with my lips, took a deep breath, and then sucked a great big gulp. The next thing that happened, was not what I expected.
I tasted it.
I think it sat in my mouth for a bit as I contemplated what it was that just came through that straw.
Should I swallow it?
Should I spit it out?
You all, it was disgusting.
It was like dirty water.
It was absolutely nothing that I thought it would be. It was just a beautiful looking coconut that was fancy for a breakfast drink and looked good in my hands. But, what was on the inside was nothing that I expected nor wanted. My husband also was not impressed with its taste and neither of us finished the drink. It just sat there, looking pretty.
So it got me thinking....
Man, those things we long for.
Man, those things we want.
It’s not always worth it.
I'm glad I'm simple.
As a child, we are always taught, don’t judge a book by its cover. Well, metaphorically speaking, that is very true. But it also has a deeper meaning to me.
Don’t expect what you see to be what it is real and true.
Don’t expect what looks good from the naked eye to be what makes your heart feel good. Don’t expect someone’s appearance to be what they are all about.
Don’t expect to trust and believe what you see at first glance or hear from ones mouth, because deeper within there is so much more that you don't know.
You can be deceived.
You could be tricked, fooled even.
You could long for what is at arms reach, but in the end, will it bring you joy?
In the end, will it be worth it?
Or, will it just be dirty water...