I have a few picture quotes that I came across lately and I thought I would share my thoughts on them with you.
1. Read the picture quote first!
Parenting is hard. I read a quote the other day that said, "To be a good mother while my heart was breaking was one of the hardest roles I've ever had to play."
I had to process this a second and then realized what it meant. It means that even though you want something for your child, doesn't mean that the child deserves it.
It means that when a child does something wrong and you have to punish them, correct them, or even just tell them, all the while it is breaking your heart, you do it anyway. It's called tough love. It is our job as parents to teach our children right from wrong. You have to talk to them about it and let them know about their mistakes. Although they may think of you as a worthless uncaring mom, you are just teaching them a lesson they will be glad you did when they get old enough to understand. They need to know how to be real, not perfect.
I am so hard on my children, sometimes negative and blunt, but I will never allow my child to think they are perfect or better than someone else. Some parents out there do not know how to critique their child and they avoid teaching them life lessons because they want to be their best friend. I'm am NOT my child's best friend, I am their mother!!! Save the friendship for the year they move out, start a family of their own, or when the child truly understands why you said what you said and did what you did. It's that simple. Believe me, I've been around enough children in my life to see the effects. Especially from those that are raised to be the best, have the best, and think they are the best. Parenting is hard.
2. Read the picture quote first!
Healing is hard. I get it. No one can tell you when you will heal. No one can predict what it's going to take to allow you to heal. I am that friend though...
"It's going to be okay. You will get through this. You are stronger than this. It's not worth your time. Get over it. Let it go." We only want to say what we 'think,' they want to hear. But when you put yourself in their shoes, or you have been broken down in your own shoes. sometimes all they want you to say is, "Yep. That sucks. It will take time to heal. It's going to be hard for a while. It's okay to cry." I mean isn't that what we ultimately feel for ourselves when we are in pain? And then receiving the confirmation that the thoughts in your head and the feelings in your heart is normal and okay. Sometimes it helps better than someone being so positive, especially when they do not understand.
But, through the storm, and the pain, and the sadness...life goes on. The world does not stop. Everyone else around you are moving forward and the only choice you have is up. I read something the other day that says, "Tell your mountain about your God." This is great advice. In other words, yes you have a mountain, but you have a God, too. We always want to tell God about all our problems. But, have we ever just told our problems about our God? Bottom line, I am a firm believer in giving things to God, but I also believe that I am worthy of my time to heal, however long it takes. Healing is hard.
3. Read the picture quote first!
I am a futuristic. I read a book once that gave me insight on my strengths and also how I see the world and live. A futuristic person is, and I quote, "a dreamer and a perceiver of what could be, what might be, and then in turn direct their lives toward this future." This defines me perfectly. I am always dreaming of what could be. I want to get ahead of the game. I want to find resolutions for things that have not happened yet, but I can perceive them to happen. I think about tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.
I think being futuristic is ok. But, I also think I need to slow down. I need to soak in what is happening now. I need to live in the present and not waste the day away. It's not easy and it is something I am working on. I have to sometimes take a step back even to just change my direction. Being a mother and a futuristic person does not always make me "mom of the year." I know that. I almost had an emotional breakdown the other day just thinking of what my life would be like if my girls were older and living on their own. I thought of how much I would miss them. I started to panic somewhat and think, the time that has past, is gone. I can not get any of that time back. Sometimes thinking the worse, helps me see it could only be worse...but it also makes me crazy. I am thankful for what I have and I try very hard not to take advantage of those special moments in my life. I need to start worrying about living in the moment and hope in patience for the furture.